Trust at Work® Field Guide

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Trust is only an idea until it is put into action.

This Field Guide is intended to be used in conjunction with The Thin Book of Trust. It contains supplemental information, exercises, practices, and questions to augment what is presented in the book.

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The Field Guide is an invitation to make the acts of building, maintaining, and restoring trust intentional and consistent for you and the people with whom you work and play. These can include your coworkers, clients, friends, family, and other members of your community.

Our focus here is primarily on trust in the workplace, but like The Thin Book of Trust, the principles and practices covered in this field guide can be applied to every relationship you have.

Included in the Field Guide:

Distinctions that will help you more clearly see and evaluate the actions and behaviors that build or damage trust.

Exercises designed to help you practice trust-building in the field.

Questions to prompt you to think differently about trust and distrust and how you can build, maintain, damage, or destroy it.

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Trust at Work® Field Guide!

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