Group Coaching Programs

What is Group Coaching

Executive coaching has traditionally been delivered in a one-to-one format where the client meets with a coach either in person, by phone or video conference. In a group coaching format, a small group – between four and seven people – meet together with a coach.

Why Group Coaching?

Insight Group Coaching uses a unique virtual group coaching format that combines top flight leadership coaching, action learning and peer support to provide high impact learning and development. Many companies are finding the group coaching format gives them a cost-effective way to bring the immense benefits of coaching to large numbers of people in their organizations.

Why Group Coaching for Middle Manager/Leaders?

“The investment [in mid-level managers] provides expected increases in the bottom line.  Organizations that focus on developing their middle managers – specifically, in the areas of communications, managing change, and coaching — can expect improved impact on their engagement, retention and teamwork.” – Bersin & Assoc.

Insight Group Coaching is particularly well suited to supporting mid-level manager/leaders. It is designed to help these key members of your company succeed by helping them build on their strengths and work directly with their challenges. Applying new leadership strategies and skills is accelerated by working with a coach in a group setting and through contributions from peers that help you translate concepts into the real world of work.

The people who lead in and from the middle are critical to your company’s success. They coordinate action up and down the organizational hierarchy and across functions. They are on the front lines of managing change. To achieve their goals, they have to be able to skillfully lead others and manage processes in ways that translate broad company strategy into focused action that yields results. How your company supports these leaders in the middle to effectively deal with the challenges they face will have a direct impact on its overall success.

Benefits for Mid-Level Leaders:
  • Consistently turn company strategy into desired results
  • Lead a highly productive team
  • Connect effectively with the company’s senior leaders
  • Build vital relationships throughout the company
  • Develop and support successful direct reports
  • Learn to think strategically while managing implementation
  • Avoid overcommitment and undue stress
Your company will:
  • Increase overall productivity
  • Consistently achieve results
  • Develop faster and more agile leadership at all levels
  • Consistently deliver on core mission and bottom-line promise

Insight Coaching offers group coaching programs specifically designed for middle managers that help develop the necessary skills to be successful.

Contact Us

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For more information about our services, please call or contact us using our web form.

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